My Paranormal Story


Sometimes there are some moments in our life that sometimes we have to think above science.


     Where the exploration of science ends, some powers start showing their effect on it. Whether it is bad or good.


     The Famous Dialogue of Conjuring 3 "If the court has faith in God, then it should also do the devil". You all will find my story inspired by a conjuring but not that it is my real story

     My name is Aishwarya and I am a 35 year old housewife. So this is about those days when I was 17 years old and at that time I was studying in class 12. So the thing was that I was sleeping one night and the month was December and it was very cold outside. So it was obvious that i used to sleep with two blankets.So it happened that I was smelling good dishes and that too of lal bhaji. There was also the sound of utensils with that like tempering in a pan and washing dishes etc. So I was listening to all this while lying in my bed, at that time I thought it was 6 o'clock in the morning.My mother has a habit of getting up at 5.30 am and by 6.30 am the whole breakfast would be ready.

          Then I thought it would be my mother but I also had another tension with her that I had to go to tuition at 6.30. I felt that I was late to get up and today I missed the tuition and i also scolded from my parents. I was in tension thinking how will be today's day, then I thought why not see the time. Then I turned on the light of the bedroom and saw the time in the alarm clock, I was stunned because the time that the clock may have was 1.30 in the night.I thought the clock would be bad, after that I may look at the wall clock, in that too the time was also showing at 1.30. Then I thought that my mother would wake up at night and make breakfast for morning, maybe she must have gone mad. I went to the kitchen by angry, there was not a single vessel near the gas burner.


              Then where did the voice come from, it was a question.I avoided that thing at that time because most important i love my sleep.But the other day I discussed this matter with parents. So they said that they did not hear any such voice. Then I realized that what happened last night was a paranormal incident that I survived without any fear.

           And after that it also came to know that the evil entity which is there, it gets its power at our own fear. So always be one step ahead of the fear.

          The one we are afraid of scares us more, whether it is a thing, animal, human or a ghost.That's why fear should always be under control.

