Never throw coconut shell!!!-1

Hi !!! friends after a long time we are meeting and here I am eager to share some interesting facts with you all my viewers.Now I am showing you some interesting facts about coconut shells.Yes coconut shells .As we know that nothing is waste in coconut .But all times we throw coconut shell after every use of coconuts.So here i am going to make charcoal from coconut shell.

*First take half  piece of coconut shell and dry it for half an hour in the heavy sunshine.

* Then burn it on gas stove

*Keep the burnt shell on the mud pot and cover it with mud lid.

Here using steel plate in place of mud lid to cover the mud pot

*Then the shell put it into mortar and tamped it with the help of pestle.

*After that shell powder get filtrated.

*Now the charcoal powder made from coconut shell is ready.

Keep it in Cool,dry and dark place.

In next topic I will discuss about the use of charcoal till then good bye!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
