How do we remove pesticides from fruits and vegetables?
As we know that fruits and vegetables are both good for health.It gives us new strength and energy.But with the pace of time everything is changing.I am telling about the pesticides and chemical fertilizers that contains highly amount in fruits and vegetables.With the use of this things we are getting sick such as hair loss, dry skin and cause of many deadly disease.I am not going in depth.But nothing is possible in this universe and every problem has a unique solution.
         So there are 4 easy ways to get rid of pesticides from fruits and vegetables:

* Baking Soda

Dip the vegetables or f
ruits in big basin with water and add 1 teaspoon of baking soda in to that for 20-25 minutes and after that wash with normal water 3-4 times.

* Tamarind Water Syrup

We have to first prepare the tamarind water syrup.So first take 1 lemon sized tamarind and take 3 cups of water. Boil  it and till it will become reduce to 2 cups of water.Now the tamarind solution is ready.
 Dip the vegetables or fruits in big basin with water and add 2 teaspoon of tamarind water  in to that for 20-25 minutes and after that wash with normal water 3-4 times.

* Vinegar

Dip the vegetables or fruits in big basin with water and add 1 teaspoon of vinegar in to that for 20-25 minutes and after that wash with normal water 3-4 times.

* Turmeric powder with normal salt

Dip the vegetables or fruits in big basin with waterand add 1 teaspoon of turmeric powder and water in to that for 20-25 minutes and after that wash with normal water 3-4 times.
