Benefits of Neem

India, the largest democratic country of the world, which is also known for unity in diversity .At last but not least also known for varieties of culture and of the ritual I want to introduce you that is puja of neem tree. Yes the rituals of neem tree it happens in southern part of India. People believe that not to cut neem trees because it creates disaster to their life. I think reason behind this it purifies our environment and many of health benefits of this tree. So the benefits are:
     *  It cures all types of skin problem such as allergy, itching, rashes ,pimples, pigmentation etc. and also used for beauty care.
     * It cures stomach problems for example if we take one spoon of neem leaves juice at empty stomach it cures problems of intestinal worms.
     * Neem’s wood is good for every type of teeth problems. In Indian villages people use neem woods for brushing teeth in place of plastic brushes.
      * Burn the dried neem leaves it will away from insects and mosquitoes.

      *  Put the dried neem leaf into the rice sack or box it will keep away from worms or insects.

Last but not least there are many types of benefits from this tree. Nothing is waste from this boony tree. So plant more and more neem trees at your surroundings and keep your environment fresh and healthy.
